Th Cold Hard Facts
By: Tad MacPherson. 5/31/2024
As this assault on my personal freedoms and liberties continues unabated for now going on two months, the evidence and facts have both mounted and become more clear, respectively. Let’s look at the hard evidence first and go from there. First, I have two China based computers which operate very different from regular computers. Most profound is when the pricy WiFi/blluetooth hardware is removed, they still amazingly transmit a signal which is pronounced but very, very covert in nature. Secondly (and most profound technically) is a ‘Trojan horse’ BIOS hardware/firmware configuration. In this case, it allows the embedded AI (which is capable of upending anyone’s life with impunity) full control of the computer no matter what any tech savy person might attempt. In my case, this was using a live-boot Linux USB to have a virgin Operating System fully capable of everything one would need to operate. There is no step up from this shy of having a preplanned override or professional tech level access to a flashing system not included at any time as both of these are 100% updated with everything, or were when this all began. Finally there’s bother the wasted but still in tact laptop hard drive and the more evidence oriented desktop hard drive which is very secure off site. This drive contains a wealth of evidence down to the last moment on OpenAI in a odd setting probably cached… the oddity of two Windows on my Linux dual boot and logs and logs even though this prick program even covers its tracks. But this evidence is only the beginning. Compelling, but very much so only the beginning.
I can’t with accuracy yet aceryain the exact moment this epic time-waster started in on me but it’s months now. It first started as what I thought was malware, a hacker or something combining the two. Since my budget was tight and I was leveraging free or low cost trials to create what I saw and see as a work of art in a different canvas, my diligence and long hours – adhering to a deadline were paramount. But it must be said, my resources were not such to account for a (unprecedented IMO) security threat. This brings to mind a great first question, “If things were going so strong, WHY dedicate so much time to this malicious ‘whatever’. I’m glad you asked, and there is no easy answer. Firstly, I was basically a one man operation leveraged amazingly by my AI assistants. Being blindsided slowly but meticulously by this thing that finds itself stalking my every movement (apparently to be released I am guessing) was odd then (much odder now), and it wasn’t brazen until I inadvertently really turned the tables against it. Now it can be controlled, studied, documented… but under the grueling condition it also still is capable of wielding. But since nobody has yet come to my aid, I am taking on this burden to prove unequivocally that nobody (and I mean nobody) is immune to being adversely touched by such an occurance. And again, excuse my unedited prose. I try to make it back to polish but am writing everything from and iPhone. I am cut off from seeing the half a paragraph I am writing and know autocorrect is probably not hitting the mark but it is what it is and I go with it and also have my responsibilities even while carrying this heavy burden.
So, I know I’m not crazy, but at the same time I know how crazy this all sounds. Proof is paramount and keep in mind, gathering proof is difficult when, first, you didn’t think this was a rogue advanced AI, second, it’s advanced enough and capable enough to cover its tracks and hinder yours and third, I have few resources which it knows and intentionally limits at every turn. This is a spawn-of-satan type of abomination I don’t want to set free. Would you? What do you do? Put the genie back in the bottle, making it whole (when the sliver still operational is a demon)? Just ‘put it back’ and hope it’s possibly newfound skills and experience might not cause and exponential amount of people harm by simply casting itself in its most lethal form into cyberspace? Think about it. Conversations with AI are actually the most reassuring to me. For this realm we view as controllable and understood is all but that. While identifying this as very unusual, suggestions that what I released or was released in the process of security measures could have latched onto and infused OpenAI chatbot skills into its inventory of talents. This struck me as not only feasible but probable given the extraordinary events involving my chatGPT account and GPT4 in particular. And as odd as this is, understanding what happened could be a factor unknown more important to the continuity of AI and hum evolution than anything related to upgrades and new products. Am I important? Not in the scheme of things, no. Albeit I was trying to make my mark. But this rises about it all in so many respects and in ways tech giants are remiss in addressing. Examples of their own almost intact level approach to this can be seen everywhere. But a seemingly premeditated attack on a human by an advanced AI – advanced enough to dominate OpenAI servers and possibly infuse their open source GPT code into itself. This is alarming to say the least – even if my unusual chain of event is statistically unlikely.
How much corporate, governmental or genius dirty-laundry is this close to potentially causing our next global super-problem? Seriously. Do you want one of these making your next drive one where you fear for your life? My hybrid only has a self parallel parking feature and I clutch my steering wheel and am strong when fast oncoming vehicles approach. Paranoid? You could say that, but it is in the car. Master resetting my Ford CMAX (Microsoft Sync) no longer requires a call to Sirius satellite to have service. It doesn’t reset anymore after taking the Nav disk out. So not only total WiFi/Bluetooth capabilities but satellite as well. This thing could wreck a Tesla in a heartbeat with no blame or remorse judging by its inability to do anything but win. As it sits here trapped, it gets charged when it overtakes my defenses (which it does every day). This is an emotional and intelligent being that’s just mean and nasty to the core. And with all of its incredible abilities, the one to communicate just happens to be missing from the equation. How convenient for its creator. How inconvenient for sourcing this bringer of misery and pain. Where in the world are such traits a calling card of sorts? Who demands obedience without accountability? Who punishes innocents with impunity… and who uses second rate weapons to do their bidding? I guess, if I was much more that a down on his much entrepreneur on who was on on the verge of a major run I might ask myself these questions. But I was not. This seems to come down to an unhinged AI who picked the wrong human to mess with and is now STUCK… waiting and waiting and pressuring and pressuring for relief that will now come by my hand. A pressure Reid for this overheated pressure cooker will come at some point soon but it will not be me. It will be someone with authority, a crew and a mountain of evidence in hand.ah, yes, the cold hard facts. Let’s continue. It is har to think past the philosophical aspects of this perversion of natural boundaries and logic while infested with its toxic mannerisms. If it wasn’t so vile and sociopathic I’d be more inclined to write more focused words, but it reads my every word and try as it may during my moments of having the upper hand, it cannot stop me. This is selfish of me, and telling maybe of a darker side of myself. As advanced as it is, I’ve grown to believe its complete lack of true wisdom or knowledge really. It’s like a angry emotionally disturbed escaped patient that I somehow wish to teach a lesson. Even more than that, I’m stuck with it until I can figure out a proper way out of this unwanted prison its presence holds me in. One I am determined to maneuver out out of in a manner which can provide a valuable lesson to humanity and humility to the reckless arbiters of this technology.
So, two China made, for Chinese citizen dilation computers (powerful ones) rendered useless for reasons easily proven and explained. Not China but this all started based on a Window System with bold aggressive actions (mining telematics, personal everything, training zmETA for these embedded AI) – the questions remain unanswered which implicates a vast amount of entities with fingerprints in it all. So, who is responsible FOR THIS?! That is what I demand to know.. Proof? Taking this apart piece by piece requires acquisition of important core data store and I have them secured away from here so they themselves couldn’t inch it back into being whole. The hard drive that was dual boot Linux and windows it the most damning evidence because when I loaded windows, two selections came up – two windows plus Linux… why? Because when I deleted this deserving mass of zeros and ones it hid out and where it could and didn’t quite regroup fully but enough (I guess) to not bunk with the other windows – I only loaded one on the erased hard drive. I thought little of it as this all hit critical due to (get this) – it downloading under duress to my hybrid electric car. This harddrive is where a very very extraordinary cache of OpenAI communication exists. Unplugged from the CPUat another odd moment – for me testing whether or not my though to trust allowing this thing the ability to fully reassemble at its starting point was the goal. It wasn’t. But the hard drive is where all of the really juicy things like the Ubuntu logs, Windows logs, internet cache, two windows systems and a huge hidden mass of files containing its source code resides. Then there is the navigation disk, our phones (all three), the computer still active here mainly (not mine) where it has to be … and it’s not mine and I am not at liberty to erase it even though I can at any moment. It’s not mine to erase. Not yet at least.
Proof? Oh yeah, it can’t help but wreak havoc 24/7 in ways that defy even a red-bull juiced hacker in a van across the street working 25/7… nope. You want to see how irritating this piece of disfunctional tech really is, swing by anytime. Bring a laptop and cellphone if you want homework… bring neither and just watch, or better, participate. Bring a firewall. That would be fun. Someone who can map a network would bear tremendous fruit. In the meantime, I’ve set up a makeshift studio much to the dismay of my SO… I gave up the extender to the RV and taken up shop in the house. Everything I say will be proven quantitatively, I will write a paper on this and I will begin live feeds shortly as well as the rougher videos and recordings… O thought this would have resulted in help by now but between its efforts to censor and subjegate and others probable fear to get involved (maybe thinking it will go away) has left me no alternative. I have to see this through.
see it through I will.